Help for LGBTQ+ Ukrainian refugees in the US

Russia's war has displaced millions in Ukraine. LGBTQ+ people are particularly vulnerable in times of displacement and need a safe and affirming shelter and community support. QUA is connecting a network of LGBTQ+ folks and allies in the United States who are willing to provide support to Ukrainian LGBTQ+ refugees. Food, housing, translation services, pro bono legal support—we are looking for people in need of any or all the range of assistance.

If you are looking for help and support, please fill out one of the forms, if you need some emergency help please shoot an email to

If you are in the US and willing to provide some help to the Ukrainian community, please jump on this link

QUA - LGBTQ Ukrainians in America - first non-governmental organization of LGBTQ Ukrainians and their allies in the United States, incorporated in Washington, DC, and New York, and received tax-exempt status from IRS under IRC Section 501 (c) (3) on March 31, 2020, EIN: 84-4080062.

Housing program

If you are located in the United States and need a safe place to stay - QUA can connect you with American families who live across all the states and are happy to share a safe and friendly space. Fill out this form to get on the list

Pro-bono lawyer

If you are in the U.S. and you need legal help with your TPS application or asylum case, we can connect you with organizations that provide legal help and pro bono lawyers. Please email us at: to get more information.

Other Aid

If you are in the U.S. and need any humanitarian aid - food, clothing, money, etc, please fill out this form on the list

Affidavit of support for USCIS

If you need an Affidavit of support for your asylum case or any other case, or a country condition report please email us at

Sponsor under Uniting for Ukraine program

If you are located in Ukraine, part of the LGBTQI+ community, and looking for a sponsor under the US government program Uniting for Ukraine, please fill out this form

Help with English clases

If you are freshly arriving and part of the LGBTQI+ community, and need to improve your English language skills - please email us at to get a referral for friendly ESL classes in your state.

LGBTQ+ friendly work place

If you get work authorization and are looking for professional development, please contact us and we will refer you to our partner who has a mentorship program.

Help for LGBTQ+ military in Ukraine

If you are part of the LGBTQ community and actively serve in the Ukraine army, and you need some medical aid or tactical equipment (helmet, body armor) please email us at

We seek to assist Ukrainian LGBTQ + individuals living in the US and Canada to integrate, adapt, and productively contribute to American society.